29 December 2011


(Written on 27/12/11 at 9:30pm)

Having no time to think can be virtuous. During my first trip to Jemma El Fina, where the air is thick with the smell of spices, tagine and opportunity, I was set upon by an Arab man wielding a smile and a snake, who asked whether I wanted to hold his reptilian accessory. Me being me, I ruminated on the potential dangers of his proposal while eyeing up the cobra several inches from my foot but before I could complete my thought, the snake was swiftly lassoed around my neck and draped across my shoulders like a leathery pashmina.

Naturally, I shrieked like a child while engaging in a series of flinches and twitches as dread consumed me. The Arab man then instructed me on how to hold the neck of the snake whilst posing for a picture, a feat best mastered in order to avoid being bitten (queue rapid heart palpitations and a moist forehead).

The whole experience lasted little more than five minutes but had I been given the time to conclude my initial thought, I would have surely opted out of the opportunity but the astute salesmanship of the smiley Arab man culled my considerstions before they reached fruition, thus stonewalling me into an experience I can enjoy through the prism of hindsight, something I am grateful for.

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location:In Hindsight

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