11 November 2009

Act 1

He was known to converse in manner that was candor, contributed to blogs and forums with insight and banter, words were often his allies, they brokered deals and created thrills, conjured truths and misplaced lies, what a guy, net nerd queens sipped his style like after work Mai Tais', he never understood why, he knew he was ways off from being a desirable guy, the perks of online lives, nobody knows nobody and in this mantra was where he would spend his time.

Sat alone at the bar, he reviewed his life thus far, he recalled an innocent infancy. moments past with the women he no longer sees, complex relationships with family, normal so far he surmised, then turned left in his mind to see what he could see, a lot of time spent  worrying and wondering, an ability to hide his true thoughts, true cunning, fast forward a few years, discomfort among peers, reckless student in his teen years,
a boy among men, never shook fears, music and family, his consistent cares, before he was met with further flashbacks, he snapped back to reality, "barkeep, same again, this time no coke with the cognac."

Drinks magnified pain, an ethos he believed should be engraved on the walls of bars and clubs to shock and awe the masses, and leave mental stains, so instead of downing shots of dark liquor, they might seek more suitable ways to manage their pain and hide their disdain.


  1. Please tell me you are in the process of writing a novel...

  2. Writing a novel? Nah. This is just random boobery I type into my phone to alleviate boredom.
