16 September 2009

Existential Orthodontia.

Nothing quite says defeat like caving on your own principles, having values and convictions, arguing them with vigour and virtue, only to be bound by consensus, resulting in the reversing of your position in the blink of an eye.

I suppose we all do this at some point in our existence, but I always held true the sentiment that the older a person becomes, the more experience they acquire with themselves and the world, then the chances of back-tracking and self-doubt will diminish, but it appears not to be the case.

For some reason, the aforementioned sentiment does not take into account a persons' maturity, their level of will, their knowledge of self or even the principle itself which leads me to believe that sentiment is as sentiment does.

Still, to look in the mirror and confront yourself after such a battle is not unlike a trip to the dentist, full of pain and reflection, all the while laced with the hope that we will do better next time, that the power of insight will not allow us to make similar blunders. We hope.

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