1 January 2011


(written on December 29th 2010)

As the year draws to a close, many peoples minds and social networking statuses will be filled with resolutions and grandiose moxie in the pursuit of being a better them.

I admire those people. Not because they are supreme humans who try to master themselves but because they do not mind, in fact they encourage public humiliation.

Be like me.

Take note of all their resolutions. Jot down their declared convictions to cook better, save more, up their Zumba class appearances, then round about March, once the reality of change, routine and their innate ability to stick at nothing kicks in, plaster said manifestos on mountainous Post-It notes and remind them of their failings.

I jest. It's a fantastic thing to want to change and even more fantastical act when a person embarks on the road to change and refuses to divert.

Best of luck to you all.

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