27 July 2012

Three Things I Learnt This Week

1) If you look hard enough, you'll find exactly what you're looking for. Not because it exists but because you will manipulate and often bypass reality until it meets your desires.

2) Excuses say more about the person then the situation they are facing.

3) Dwelling in knowledge other than that of yourself, only acts as an anchor.

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location:London Bridge

26 July 2012


Charles Dickens suffered from insomnia. He used the additional hours granted to him by this affliction, to observe the restless metropolis and the antics of its population.

I prefer to ride the night bus and alight at random stops, casually acknowledging the nocturnal societies, societies comprised of socialites, students, shift workers and ill-tempered mini cab drivers, a humbling and haunting cohort.

As much as a person may fear for their safety, there is a disturbing comfort that exists within night time. The city lies in limbo, between the routine escapism of the night just passed and the savage bustle of the day to come. These early hours of inebriation and hallucination are probably the most honest moments that can exist within a place such as this.

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location:The N29

13 July 2012

4 months later.

You can end up losing the best people in your life through being afraid, afraid to be honest, afraid to love, afraid of letting yourself be loved. People say and probably do understand but they will not enable it forever. Continue this for long enough and you'll find that even you want to escape yourself.

For all the shit I spout, I live with large amounts of shame, ignorance and fear and behave accordingly routinely, not to all people but to the few that make it over the wall.

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location:Albany Close,London,United Kingdom

11 July 2012

Do Words Matter?

Part 1

The more I experience and the more I increase my seldom interactions with others, I realise that we very regularly misuse words and have a tendency to completely deviate from their denotative meaning, instead focusing on the emotive. This is of course understandable, as we are humans loaded with emotion. The troubling thing is that once we replace the meaning of a word and consistently apply it within the parameters of our reality, it then becomes for us, the norm.

One such example is the word "skill". Culturally, we define and measure it comparatively, retrospectively or arbitrarily using barometers we have little to no knowledge of. While this may sound perfectly normal, this in fact runs counter to its definition:

"the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc."

After contemplating the meaning of the word, I was taken aback, severely, as like most, my understanding and grading of skill always involved other people but in fact, the core essence of skill is that it comes from within.

If we interpret "skill" as a quality adorned by others, which needs recognition and quantification from others, we immediately render ourselves as understudies in our pursuits, interns in our own life who possess zero self-knowledge. Perhaps this is part of greater human ailments; a devaluation of self and a reliance on authority. Perhaps. What I am certain of, is that if we define skill as a personal attribute, one that combines our experiences and perceptions, then as people, we all possess skills, we all have skills that apply to us and only us but over time and through the commodification of skills, a static set of norms has emerged which we internalise and measure ourselves against.

Perhaps it's time we step firmly into tomorrow with belief and a heightened sense of self-appreciation and a resounding duty to value and nurture our own skills.

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location: In Transit

5 July 2012


Phone books are a Rolodex filled with reminders of the present and past. Scroll through and you will probably see numbers belonging to past friends, close colleagues and present loves. I randomly scrolled through mine and came across a strong memory:

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location:In the past

1 July 2012

Art I Like #6

Spotted a Banksy piece on a humble side road in Wood Green. The Union Jack bunting is real and a plastic case frames the entire piece.
If you see it, stare at it, long enough for you to think about what Britain's politically charged street artist is trying to convey.

- I write in order to avoid talking, for you see as a human, I suck at talking.

Location:Wood Green, London N22